
Documentation for Sophora Cluster Add-on

Instructions on how to use Sophora Cluster.

Cluster Add-on

With Cluster nightly updates are a thing of the past. Editors can work uninterrupted.

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Cluster Guide: Version 5

The add-on ensures the continuation of content creation in case of planned updates or an unlikely crash of the Sophora Primary server without any breaks.

Cluster Guide: Version 4

The add-on ensures the continuation of content creation in case of planned updates or an unlikely crash of the Sophora Primary Server without any breaks.

Cluster Guide: Version 3

The add-on ensures the continuation of content creation in case of planned updates or an unlikely crash of the Sophora Primary Server without any breaks.

Last modified on 7/4/23

The content of this page is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 License. Code samples are licensed under the MIT License.
