Social Media Quote

Social Media Quote Add-on

Social Media Quote allows to comfortably quote Social Media contents in the CMS Sophora.

Sophora Social Media Quote: Quoting from Twitter in the DeskClient
Sophora Social Media Quote: Quoting from Twitter in the DeskClient (Image: subshell/CC BY)

With Sophora's add-on, you can use copy and paste functionality to transfer social media entries from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and ScribbleLive into the copy text.

Sophora writes the social media content into the copytext paragraph and populates the attributes of the paragraph with metadata of the tweet, post or video.

Quote from Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and more: Highlights

  • The content (such as a tweet) is stored in the copy text and additional contents, like author, will be saved in the fields of the paragraph.
  • Behind the scenes the API of the particular social medium is approached for searching and collecting contents as well as storing them in Sophora.
  • Contents will not be embedded with HTML-Code, but are situated in Sophora’s structured storage and therefore they are available in the delivery in all channels for multifaceted uses and layouts. As desired, websites and other applications can also display the HTML code of the respective network.

Note: Twitter and Facebook have Rate Limits to limit the number of API calls. If these are too low for your use case, individual agreements will be necessary. More information at (Twitter) and (Facebook).


Social Media Quote is also available for the Sophora MobileClient.

Sophora Social Media Quote: Quoting from Twitter in the MobileClient
Sophora Social Media Quote: Quoting from Twitter in the MobileClient (Image: subshell/CC BY)

New and Noteworthy

You can also conveniently quote from TikTok, Vimeo, Spotify and Giphy with Social Media Quote.

+++ New in Previous Sophora Versions +++

New functions from previous Sophora Versions.

Quote from ScribbleLive

Now, ScribbleLive events can also be included with Sophora 3 by copying the URL of the ScribbleLive event into a paragraph.

Quote from YouTube

YouTube videos can now also be conveniently embedded in text via Social Media Quote, analogous to embedding Twitter, Facebook and Instagram content. The process is simple. An editor copies the original URL of the YouTube video into a paragraph of the copy text, and when she triggers the newly created script in the toolbar of the Sophora document, the properties of the YouTube video (title, embed code, etc.) are written into the corresponding fields of the new paragraph type "YouTube".


Compatible With
Is an Add-on
Is Part Of
Sophora DeskClient and MobileClient Plug-in
subshell GmbH