Data Store

Binary Store Guide

The Binary Store makes it possible to store binary files more efficiently.

Types of Binary Stores

You can choose between two Binary Store options:

  1. A file system option which stores the binary files on each Sophora Server's hard disk
  2. The Cloud Binary Store option which stores the binary files in a cloud storage.

The Binary Store exist on a per-Sophora Server basis.

Configuration of the file system option

If the file system option is used, the individual files are stored on the hard disk or mounted volume separately from the repository.


By default the binary data is stored in the directory ${sophora.home}/repository/binaries.

If you want to save the binary data in a different directory, you can use the Sophora Server property sophora.binarystore.fs.baseDirectory. The configured path is relative to sophora.home.

Purge job

When document versions or documents in the main repository are removed from the repository, the binary data in the Binary Store is unaffected.

An asynchronous job checks all binary data in the Binary Store. When the binary data is not referenced anymore the binary data is removed from the Binary Store. This purge job can be controlled by the following properties:

sophora.binarystore.purgeJob.cronTriggerExpression=0 0 2 * * ?

Last modified on 10/16/20

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