Image AI 5


Learn how to use Image AI with scripts.

Client Script to Trigger Calculating Image Variant Clips

The following client script uses Image AI to calculate image variant clips, and sets them in the image document in the current editor. The script can be run manually via the editor's toolbar, and it can run automatically on every save.

In addition to the script's code, you need to set additional settings as follows:

  • The document source must be "Current editor".
  • If a toolbar button for manual runs is desired, set a menu text.
  • If the script should run automatically at every save, set the trigger to "Save".
  • In the list of document types, select your image document type.

You also need to modify IMAGE_AI_URI and IGNORE_USERNAME in the script:

  • IMAGE_AI_URI - The base URL of the Image AI service.
  • IGNORE_USERNAME - The script will not run if this user has started the script. This is useful if the script is running on every save, but it shouldn't run if a document is being imported via the importer.
def IMAGE_AI_URI = ''
def IGNORE_USERNAME = 'importer'

if (sophoraClient.username == IGNORE_USERNAME) {

def doc = context.document

if (!context.isUpdatable(doc)) {

if (context.trigger != ClientScriptTrigger.DIRECT && doc.UUID != null) {

def variantNodes = doc.getNodesByName('sophora-extension:imagedata')

def originalVariantNode = variantNodes.find { it.getString('sophora-extension:imagetype') == 'original' }
if (!originalVariantNode) {

def originalBinary = originalVariantNode.getBinaryData('sophora-extension:binarydata')
if (!originalBinary) {

def originalWidth = originalVariantNode.getLong('sophora-extension:width')
def originalHeight = originalVariantNode.getLong('sophora-extension:height')
def originalAspectRatio = (double) originalWidth / (double) originalHeight

def siteUUID = doc.structureInfo.siteUUID

def siteVariants = sophoraClient.getImageVariantsForSite(siteUUID)
    .findAll { != 'original' }
    .findAll { it.getStateForSite(siteUUID) == com.subshell.sophora.api.structure.ImageVariant.State.ACTIVE }

def aspectRatios = siteVariants.collect {
    it.width != null && it.height != null ?
        (double) it.width / (double) it.height :

def request = [
    image: java.util.Base64.encoder.encodeToString(originalBinary.bytes),
    cropHints: [
        aspectRatios: aspectRatios

def requestFactory = new org.springframework.http.client.HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory()
requestFactory.setConnectTimeout(5 * 1000)
requestFactory.setReadTimeout(30 * 1000)

def rest = new org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate(requestFactory)

def response
def error = false

context.showBusyWhile('Calculate image variants', {
    try {
        response = rest.postForObject(IMAGE_AI_URI + '/rest/v1/image-ai', request, java.util.Map.class)
    } catch (Exception e) {
        error = true

if (error) {
    context.dialog().showMessage('An error has occurred. Please try again later.')

def cropHints = response.get('cropHints')
def cropHintsComment = response.get('cropHintsComment')

cropHints.eachWithIndex { cropHint, cropHintIdx ->
    def rect = cropHint.get('rectangle')
    def x = rect.get('x')
    def y = rect.get('y')
    def width = rect.get('width')
    def height = rect.get('height')

    def variantName = siteVariants[cropHintIdx].name
    def variantNode = variantNodes.find { it.getString('sophora-extension:imagetype') == variantName }
    variantNode.setLong('sophora-extension:clipX', x)
    variantNode.setLong('sophora-extension:clipY', y)
    variantNode.setLong('sophora-extension:width', width)
    variantNode.setLong('sophora-extension:height', height)
    variantNode.setBoolean('sophora-extension:disabled', false)

def historyItem = doc.addNode('sophora-extension:imageAIHistory', 'sophora-extension-nt:imageAIHistoryItem')
historyItem.setDate('sophora-extension:eventDate', java.util.GregorianCalendar.instance)
historyItem.setString('sophora-extension:description', cropHintsComment)


Last modified on 7/25/23

The content of this page is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 License. Code samples are licensed under the MIT License.
